Day: June 14, 2022


Real Islamic Marriage – Chapter 3

MARRIAGEs and the concept of zawj      GENERAl      Sociological View on the Origin of Marriage Outside the province of the Glorious Arabic Qur’ān and the Torah (the Pentateuch [first five books] of the Christian Bible), in particular the book of Bereshith, the accounts as to the origin of the institution of marriage are many, […]

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The Supplications of a Beggar

This is the dedication extracted from Al Hajj Mekaeel Maknoon’s first publication ‘The Universal Significance of Adam’… DEDICATION To Allah the Irresistible and in His cause of Islam The Supplications of a Beggar Oh! Allah! By Thy power do I exist; By Thy grace and mercy do I subsist Majestic Beauty! Perpetual remembrance of Thee […]

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From The Experience of a Beggar

This is the dedication extracted from All Hajj Mekaeel Maknoon’s second publication ‘The Significance and Purpose of Traveling in Islam’… DEDICATION To those who are willing to struggle in the cause of Allah and who when afflicted with adversity and calamity say, ‘to Allah I belong and to Him is my return… Oh! My Lord […]

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